
This website and PC Engines organization on Github is officially maintained by 3mdeb Team on behalf of PC Engines.

3mdeb is small but worldwide-recognized embedded firmware development consultancy, which leverages years of industry experience to provide innovative services through Dasharo. We help hardware OEMs and ODMs to achieve the full potential, security, and reliability of delivered products through Open Source Firmware (coreboot, UEFI/edk2, LinuxBoot, U-Boot, and others). We support the medical industry using Verified Boot and Secure Boot technologies for Real-Time Operating Systems and Embedded Linux. Hyper-scale cloud providers get our firmware design and security skills to secure their computing devices. Trusted Computing and Trusted Execution Environment applications are used and developed by us every day. There is no embedded software, firmware, or close-to hardware-related challenge we would not consider.

Our activity on high-profile professional conferences (Platform Security Summit, FOSDEM, Xen Developers Summit, and others), organization and co-organization of various events (Qubes OS mini-summit, GRUB2 mini-summit, LPC System Boot and Security Microconference) position us as a recognized community member and leader in evangelizing the use of open source solutions.

Over the years, the community recognized us as coreboot licensed service providers, UEFI Adopters, LVFS Consultants, Yocto Participants and accepted our membership in OpenPOWER Foundation.

If you are interested in our products or services feel free to